- Monday was Open House. I wish more parents (specifically the ones who have had issues with me) had attended, but I was pretty pleased with the way it went overall. PTSA kindly fed us delicious food (including Chick-fil-A sweet tea!), I had some good conversations, and I was able to explain the method to my madness. I even had a decent number of kiddos show up.
- This week was the first time most of my kiddos who said they would come in for make up work actually did. It was awesome.
- One of my freshman football boys has stayed after school twice now to finish up some stuff. The first time he stayed until six, which was a whole hour more than he needed because we were just talking. Those talks really do make a difference in the classroom, y'all.
- One of my girls gets super sickly, so she also came after school one day and, again, stayed longer than necessary just chatting. I didn't really know her that well because she's in one of my more time consuming classes and she's already missed about a week of school, so it was neat getting to know her.
- My econ kiddos didn't do as poorly on their test as I was fearing. Not great, but they didn't all completely bomb.
- I've been able to connect more with my paras and I'm starting to feel better about all of my special needs kids.
- My kiddo who speaks practically no English started becoming more insistent this week on doing the same work as everyone else even though he doesn't understand it. And another ELL student has continued to be a rockstar and fill in my language gaps.
- 3rd period is one of my more talkative classes. Like, I'm constantly calling out the same kids over and over again. However, Friday I only had to do it once or twice. Even when they were having table discussions it was relatively quiet. I was so proud of them!
- TCU is now 3-0! My best friend came along with us to the game and one of my dad's co-workers bought us Sonic afterwards, so it was a good day.
- Friday I discovered my new favorite show- Secret Princes on TLC. Y'all. I'm never doing anything on Friday nights again. Say Yes To The Dress and this show. OH MY GOODNESS.
- I'm probably going to regret this tomorrow, but I did practically no work this weekend. Like, I have to have most of my weekend for me. I think that's really how I've managed to avoid the exhaustion everyone else seems to be fighting.
What are some of your good things?
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